Command Control Center was established in the year 2017, keeping in view of bringing all the technical and Software activities under one umbrella. Later CCC nomenclature changed to Central Networking Facility(CNF) which carries out various activities in the University like Network Facility, Website, Payment Gateway, University Computerization, Video Conferences, Bio-Metric attendance, CCTV Maintenance etc.,. CNF currently working with Eleven(11) staff members along with Assistant Director dedicatedly working round the clock to address all the issues & necessities for the University faculty, staff & students.
Activities of CNF :
Data center maintains all the Firewalls, Routers, Switches, Storage systems, Servers and application delivery controllers.
- Network Facility: SPMVV is having 1 Gbps Dedicated Internet connectivity from BSNL Maintained by NKN. 1 Gbps dedicated line is used for giving Internet access to 1000 computers through LAN for various labs and 3000 Wi-Fi Users. The students and staff can access internet WiFi connectivity in 19 buildings of SPMVV including hostels. The Backup Internet line from Private ISP "ACT Fibrenet" is specifically used to serve the needs of Administrators in AD Building during immediate failure of Primary Dedicated Internet Connectivity.
- Firewall: Firewall is used in our campus to filter web traffic, analyze incoming traffic based on per-established rules and filter traffic coming from unsecured or suspicious sources to prevent attacks and blocking unwanted websites.
- Microsoft Teams for online Classes: Microsoft teams creation and maintenance for online classes, assignments and examination sessions.
- SERVERS: There are five Servers being managed by Central Networking Facility. Automation Servers (Application Server,Database Server), DNS Server, Dedicated Server for Website and Payment Gateway
WEBSITE :(www.spmvv.ac.in)
Our University dynamic Website www.spmvv.ac.in is developed and maintained by Central Networking Facility. University Website is updated regularly on day to day basis. University website has been hosted in a dedicated server for single-tenant infrastructure with large amount of storage & High performance server to optimize Page Load time,safety of data. Website has been audited every year for security concerns as per the guidelines received from APTS (Andhra Pradesh Technological Services). The necessary security patches & corrections to the website code is applied as per the guidelines of the APTS.
In the campus 30 Wall mounted Biometric Devices are being used for staff attendance purpose. The attendance is recorded on government web portal: apspmvcto.attendance.gov.in maintained by National Informatics Centre.
A state of the Art high resolution Video Conference Equipment is installed in VC Chamber for official meeting requirements.
Seven (7) Digital Class Rooms were purchased under RUSA Grants and installed in various Departments (MCA, MBA, Nursing, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Pharmacy, Law).
One Live studio was setup in Central Networking Facility which is purchased under Rusa Grants for recording the staff lectures and made it available for the students using LMS.
75 IP based cameras 24X7 are used for security purpose. A separate OFC network is laid for these cameras and being monitored in Central Networking Facility with 2 Samsung displays, 2 NVR for recording purpose.
As per the Good Governance Committee recommendations, University has been initiated to collect the payments through Gateway. For the Academic year 2020-2021 newly admitted students paid their fee through Payment Gateway as the first phase. From the Academic year 2021-2022 all the examination fee payments, Hostel Fee & Scholarship Payments from the students are done through Payment Gateway.
University has taken up steps to rationalize University Computerization. As a part of it, University is tied up with JIL Information Technology, to computerize the modules such as Student Information System, Student Fee Management, Examination module, Hostel Management, HRMS, Finance and Accounts System, Distance Education, IQAC & File movement. Staff of CNF is supporting the team in customization and utilization.
Separate Active group is maintained in Whatsapp for official communication purposes only
Staff of CNF are also involved in National Academic Depository (NAD),Jnanbhumi Scholarship portal, Public Financial Management System (PFMS)
Apart from this, the staff of CNF is providing technical support to the programs conducted by the Government Departments at Auditorium, Saveri Seminar Hall, Chambers of Vice-Chancellor and Registrar and also to the Departments in conducting various programs like workshops, Conferences & Seminars at times of need.
S.No. | Description | Quantity |
1 | Juniper M10i Router | 01 |
2 | Juniper AP32-WW Access Points | 130 |
3 | Wireless Cloud Controller | 01 |
4 | Sonicwall 9400 NextGen Firewall (Active&Passive HA) | 01 |
5 | Allied Telesis - 24 Port Core Switch (L3) | 01 |
6 | TP-Link 8 Port Gigabit Managed Poe + Switch With 2 Giga Sfp Slots (150 Watts) | 60 |
7 | Allied Telsis - 24 PORT + 4 UPINK MANAGED L2 Switch | 30 |
8 | Fortinet 800 C Firewall | 01 |
9 | Catalyst 4500-X 16 sfp + IPB Image | 01 |
10 | Cisco 802.11 a/g/n Fixed unified AP without antenna | 36 |
11 | Power Injector for the cisco Aironet | 36 |
12 | Linksys 8 port Gigabit switch | 07 |
13 | Cisco 8 Port Switch | 01 |
14 | Cisco 2960 24 port switch | 02 |
15 | 4400 Series WLAN Controller for up to 50 Lightweight APS | 01 |
16 | Catalyst 3750 12 sfp + IPB Image | 01 |
17 | Cisco 1800 Series 10/100 Router, Cisco 1940 Series 10/100/1000 Router | 02 |
18 | Cisco SFP Modules SM,MM | 13 |
19 | Numeric 10 KVA UPS + 16 Batteries | 01 |
20 | Numeric 6 KVA UPS + 16 Batteries | 01 |
21 | TP-Link Archer C50 AC 1200 Dual Band Wireless Cable Router | 01 |
Director | : | Prof.B.N.Neelima, Dept. of Communication and Journalism |
Assistant Director | : | Dr.G. Sumana |
Senior Network Engineer | : | K. Syama Sundar |
System Engineer | : | K. Tharun |
Accounts Assistant | : | T. Sathish Kumar |
Technical Assistant | : | G. Harsha |
Semi-Skilled | : | D. Nagarjuna |
Semi-Skilled | : | A. Madhavi |
Semi-Skilled | : | A. Muniprakash |
Semi-Skilled | : | V. Karthik |
Un-Skilled | : | N.Saradha |