DST CURIE Center was established as a Central Instrumentation facility for the Science Departments of Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam supported by Department of Science and Technology. Govt. of India. A grant of Rs. 3 crores was provided under Core support to women Universities towards consolidation of University Research for innovation and excellence (CURIE) during the period 2009-13.
The grant sanctioned under various heads like Equipment, Research infrastructural facilities, Consumables, Seminars and Conferences, Travel and Contingency etc..
This Central Instrumentation facility in located in ground floor of Kalapana Chawla Science block in an area of over 2000 sq.ft to create a CURIE common facility for all the Department under School of Science.
Prof.P. Suvarnalatha Devi
Coordinator,Dept. of Microbiology