In response to the call for proposals by UGC, SPMVV had submitted a proposal under the Scheme for Trans-Disciplinary Research for India’s Developing Economy (STRIDE) Component-I which aims to promote innovative culture for trans-disciplinary research(TDR). Transdisciplinary research is a team effort of investigators from different disciplines to create new conceptual, theoretical, methodological innovations that integrates and transcends beyond discipline-specific approaches to address a common problem. It generates knowledge through the use of multi and inter-disciplinary concepts and integrates new theories among science and society. In response to the proposal SPMVV was sanctioned a grant of Rs.63,50,000/- to build capacities to promote trans disciplinary research.
Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (SPMVV) has come up with the special initiative called, “Trans disciplinary Research Initiative Centre for Adolescent Health” (TRICA). The overall objective of TRICA is to establish a centre and to build capacities of post graduate students, research scholars and young faculty to carry trans disciplinary research in the context of adolescent health. As part of this initiative the departments of Biotechnology, Microbiology, Social Work and Communication and Journalism have formed a Trans disciplinary team for capacity building in TDR of faculty and researchers of different disciplines.
A series of activities were planned and carried out under TRICA to build capacities in TDR. The following are the activities:1) Orientation Programmes:
A five-day orientation programme organized by covering nearly 400 participants who include faculty, Ph.D. and Post graduate students of SPMVV representing all the departments towards Trans disciplinary research and adolescent health.
2) Training Programmes:Eight training programmes have been conducted in all between 29th January 2021 and 31th May 2021 covering a wide range of topics on TDR. The participant group involved faculty and researchers from all the disciplines of Sciences, Social Sciences and Engineering and Technology. A total of 332 participants attended the training programme and certificates were distributed to them.
3) International Conference:TRICA has organized a Two-Day International Virtual Conference on Current trends in Transdisciplinary Research on 5th and 6th January 2022. The expected outcomes were to provide new ideas and applications of Transdisciplinary approaches to relevant issues. Twenty-Two Sub-Themes were offered for the conference. A Total 47 participants from 12 disciplines have presented their papers in four sessions during the two-day conference. The participants were from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi, Indonesia and Malaysia.
4) Certificate Course:A 12-week Certificate Course was offered in Trans Disciplinary Research and Adolescent Health from 15-12-2021 to 08-04-2022 which included a paper of five units and practical work on proposal writing in Trans Disciplinary Research. The main objective was to enable learners to strengthen their knowledge in understanding TDR and also to build knowledge and develop skills in undertaking TDR in Adolescent Health. The total registered participants are 108. In order to be considered for the award of the course completion certificate participants were required to attend a three-hour theory examination and also to submit a group project proposal in area of choice under the broad theme of adolescent health.
5) Sanction of Research Projects:As a part of series of activities planned to accomplish the objectives of STRIDE, which is capacity building, participants of the certificate course were required to submit group project proposals to undertake TDR in any area related to adolescent health. Six minor research proposal were approved and seed money sanctioned to undertake the research based on the proposal submitted.
The following are the details of the six group proposals (Team Wise):