International Conference
Innovations in Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
March 11th to 12th, 2024
Organized by
CURIE – AI Centre
Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam
About Conference
Presentation of new advances, research results and to discuss the future fields of AI and AR. The International conference on “Innovations in Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality” is being organized by CURIE-AI Centre, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati. The main aim of the conference is to promote theoretical and applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) research as well as intellectual interchange among faculty, researchers and practitioners to deliberate and state their research findings, discuss the latest advancements and explore the future directions in various emerging areas of AI and AR. This conference brings together novice and experienced peers as well as developers to meet new colleagues, collect new ideas and establish new cooperation between research groups. This also helps to exchange ideas, information, techniques and applications in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The other current trend areas of research related to AI&AR. Invited presentations of this conference identify noteworthy social, philosophical and economic issues influencing Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality, Intelligent Information processing’s development throughout India. The conference includes keynote addresses, plenary sessions and panel discussions by the experts and the presentation and ideas of contributed participants.
Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence in Women Universities (CURIE) program at Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati with the support of Department of Science and Technology (DST) is to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) related infrastructure for research. DST- CURIE-AI centre was established in two phases to promote Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and Internet of Thing (IoT) concepts in diverse fields like Agriculture, Science, Medicine, Law, Humanities and Engineering. Faculty, Research Scholars and PG/UG students from School of Sciences, School of Social Sciences and School of Engineering & Technology of SPMVV. Surrounding Universities and Colleges are also educated and motivated from these activities. CURIE-AI facility provides short term training programs to faculty and research scholars to promote research ideas in artificial intelligence solutions in their respective fields; student club to provide training sessions, idea pitching sessions and hackathon to science, social science and engineering students. to elevate in diverse fields.
•To develop AI &AR projects, AI & AR Products and AI & AR Innovations for solving societal problems.
•To have an understanding of concepts and the achievements of AI & AR and the theory underlying those achievements.
•To have basic proficiency in the traditional and progressed forms of AI & AR which are prevailing in the society.
•To analyse the generalised approach of AI & AR in different disciplines.
•To enable the faculty from various disciplines to focus on the latest developments and applications of AI &AR
•To bring out programmes that trains scientists in developing AI &AR methods for socio-technical systems like Education, Public Health, Public Safety, Economic Development, Judicial and Transportation
•Better integration of data sources currently not being used together
•Better evaluation of existing and historical policies to understand their implications Vis-a-vis societal needs
•The participants will acquire knowledge in Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and its application related to societal approach and to develop ideation on AI & AR domain for societal needs.
•Through conference more foundational research is undertaken on new approaches for achieving AI solutions, which would bring the faculty, research scholars and industry closer to meet their respective goals.
Themes of the Conference
2.Neural Networks
3.Natural Language Processing
4.Fuzzy Logic
5.Genetic Algorithms
6.Augmented Reality
7.Nature Inspiring Algorithms
8.Bigdata/Data Analysis
10.Banking and Financial Analysis
11.Legislation and Legal Informatics
12.Deep Learning
13.News,Publishing and Writing
15.Machine Learning
16.Food Processing
17.Social Sciences
18.Remote Sensing
19.Privacy and Anonymity
20.Federated Learning
21.Full stack development
22.Social Media
23.Data Communication
25.Internet of Things (IoT)
26.Data Security
27.Basic Sciences
28.Any other related to AI & AR
Key Dates
Abstract Submission (Minimum 200 Words) | 04thMarch,2024 |
Acceptance Notification | 06thMarch,2024 |
Registration | 07thMarch,2024 |
Abstract Submittion to | dstcurieai@gmail.com |
Registration Fee
For Registration
Send abstracts to : dstcurieai@gmail.com.
Address for Correspondence
Prof.R. Usha
Department of Biotechnology,
SPMVV, Tirupati-517502
Email: ushatirupathi2020@gmail.com
Mobile No: +91-9704704646
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science,
Email: pbhargavi18@yahoo.co.in
Mobile No: +91-9440085707
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