To facilitate incubation and training to start small businesses or industries in thrust areas Viz., Technology of manufacturing Bakery Products, Mushroom cultivation Distillation unit operator unit, Manufacturing of Traditional Foods and Functional Foods, Traditional Embroidery, Production of Natural Colorants from indigenous plants.
The Target group of incubatees are from Chittoor district especially and extended to state of Andhra Pradesh.

Prof. B. Jeevana Jyothi
Thrust areas of Training and Incubation:
- Technology of manufacturing Bakery products
- Traditional Embroidery
- Manufacturing of Traditional Foods and Functional Foods
- Mushroom cultivation
- Distillation unit operator
Plant & Machinery
- Technology of manufacturing Bakery products
- Traditional Embroidery
- Manufacturing of Traditional Foods and Functional Foods
- Mushroom cultivation
- Distillation unit operator