A place/platform for lifelong learning and development, the multi disciplinary School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Management promotes outcome-based education catering to the needs of women students both at undergraduate and post graduate levels. Those interested in moving ahead also have an opportunity to take up research leading to the PhD degree.
The subjects / programmes in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Management provide an opportunity to learn about the human life as a whole and also train and mould the students to become fit and responsible citizens. Human life/Community is the common element to all the 18 Programmes offered in the 11 departments in the School of Social Sciences Humanities and Management. While the orientation of humanities is more philosophical, the social sciences is scientific and experimental. Courses are designed to also focus on culture, values, justice, human rights, gender studies and ecological concern. In addition to being trained to master the subject of choice, the students are prepared to handle real life situations through the life skills education and Skill development programmes specially designed for the purpose. Well qualified faculty promotes and encourages creative thinking, critical outlook in students and socially relevant research.
The aim of the School of Social Sciences Humanities and Management is to qualify the students with academic performance and to do useful community-based research.
- To support the students to achieve academic excellence
- To equip them to realise their potential and plan their personal and professional life
- To make them understand the need for social responsibility
- To encourage creative thinking and innovative approach

Prof. C. Vani
Dean, School of Social Sciences